Friday, April 10, 2015

Better late than never...

I have arrived in China! Safe and sound. I will post more about that later this evening, after I have had a chance to visit my workplace.

I wanted to share yet another mail story from South Africa...

Back on September 10, 2014, I wrote a postcard to my dear freshman roommate at Washington University in St. Louis, Julia. She lives in NYC. As her parents and my parents often commented, "could you even imagine two more different people living together?!" She turned out to be a wonderful fit, and we have kept in touch over the 14 years since we were paired together.

At any rate, I got an email from her the other day stating:  "I got the best thing in the mail the other day - a postcard from South Africa (with a September date)! I loved it :)"

I guess better (seven months) late than never! I wonder how many others never received (or have yet to receive) a postcard from South Africa...

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