Sunday, April 12, 2015

The weekend

My first weekend here in China has been very low-key. Yesterday I didn't leave the hotel! I cannot remember the last time I didn't go outside for a day (maybe never?!), but it actually felt really good. I caught up on rest, reading, organizing... it was relaxing.

Today, however, I got up early. I googled Catholic churches in Chengdu, China, and what do you know...there are three! One of them is about 3.5 km from my hotel, so I took off walking at 9 a.m. to try to make the 10 a.m. church service. Google maps was invaluable in getting me to the correct location. Thank goodness for technology!

Exterior of my hotel (the grey building on the left of the photo).

A walk through the park on the way to church.

Entrance to the park near my hotel.

Ping'anqiao Catholic Church

I was plenty early. I took a spot in the back of the church. It was a nice service, but I couldn't understand anything. Luckily, Catholic Mass is virtually the same all over the world, so I was able to follow along for the important parts. I will admit that I had ulterior motives when opting to go to Mass this morning. I have been lonely here, and I was hoping to meet some people who might speak English. Lucky for me, this nice couple sat right behind me. I could tell with one glance that the husband was very likely American. I also noticed that they had a booklet with them that was an English translation of Catholic Mass. At one point, near the end, I asked them where they had gotten the booklet. The gentleman responded (in a very Midwest accent) that their daughter had put it together for them. And the wife offered me hers to keep!

English translation of the Catholic Mass.

After Mass I struck up a conversation with them. He works for the American consulate here in Chengdu, and they have spent 1.5 years here. He is originally from Wisconsin and she from Madagascar, but they have lived all over the world. They are a lovely couple, and they told me that they routinely go to the English Mass at 4pm on Saturdays. So, we have a plan to meet up next week :)

I made the 3.5 km trek back to the hotel without any difficulty. I am still amazed by the sheer number of people here.

My first American fast food chain sighting.

Apartments in Chengdu

Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (SPPH) in the background. It is the triangular shaped building in the center of the photo.

A lady making candy in the park.

By the time I got back to the hotel, I had put in over 5 miles of walking! I grabbed some quick lunch, and now I think I'll just relax for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is my official first day of work.

More soon.

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