Monday, April 27, 2015

Here's to the best Grandpa in the world!

aka "Grandpa" or "Gramps
3/6/1914 to 4/26/2015

My grandpa died yesterday at the age of 101. In Iowa, surrounded by family.

He was a wonderful man, and truly PERFECT as a grandpa (I am certain he had his flaws, but I couldn't see them!).

He was born in Iowa on March 6, 1914. Grandpa was the youngest of three children--he had an older sister and brother. He was the "baby" of the family, as he was much younger than his two older siblings. His father was a Methodist minister. Unfortunately, when he was only three years old his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was sick and bedridden for three years, until her death when he was only six years old. He always said his only remembrances of his mother were  of her sick in bed. And he ranked this as one of the greatest sadnesses of his life. I honestly think this life event was what gave my grandfather the ability and tenacity to deal with life's lemons and curveballs. And to love deeply.

He proudly served our nation in World War II. He was overseas for many years, leaving behind my dear grandmother. After the war, he came home and he and grandma had four children, my father being the oldest of four and the only other male in the immediate family!

My grandma and grandpa on their wedding day. My great-grandfather (left side of photo) was a minister.

Grandpa in uniform

Grandpa and his first-born, my dad. 1949

He was the Iowa State 4-H leader from 1959 to 1979, and  he helped many kids realize/pursue their dreams. 4-H often worked its way into most of his conversations, as it was a big part of his life!

He was 92 when my dad died suddenly. He became more than a grandpa that day--a sort of stand-in father. A great one to go for when advice was needed. He was his grandkids' biggest cheerleader!

He and grandma were only a short seven minute drive from my childhood home, so I saw them on a nearly daily basis for 18 years. We developed an incredibly close bond--one I cherished. I remember the day I turned 16 and got my driver's license. My first solo drive (with my younger sister as my first passenger) was to the obvious location: a surprise visit to grandma and grandpa's house. I can still picture them sitting out in the yard digging up dandelions as we pulled in.

He was always there at my cross country meets, cheering me on. He was there after ballet class, when my mom or dad couldn't pick me up. He and grandma's house was the "go-to" place when school was cancelled because of weather (and mom and dad still had to work) or when we were sick. He and grandma were the stand-in "parents" when my mom and dad were away on business/vacation. He was the only grandpa I ever knew.

Celebrating 50 years of marriage!!

You cannot quantify grief. My grandpa had 45 more years on this earth than his oldest son (my father). He was 101. He had a wonderful life and maintained his health and mind up until age 100 (his only medication was a daily vitamin and an extra vitamin C!). However, he was my grandfather, my rock, I loved him dearly, and that makes this SO difficult. When we love so deeply, losing them hurts so much!

He and my dad's bricks at the Veterans Memorial in Ames, Iowa.

I love you Grandpa!!!!


  1. Sorry to hear about this, Liz. Sounds like he lived a great life and was a heck of a guy.

  2. I'm so sorry Liz. Thinking of you and your family. Love you
