Friday, August 22, 2014

Putting things in perspective...

Well, I took all my paperwork for my Swazi Medical License to the administrator yesterday, and apparently my $100 background check is not sufficient. They really need a $5 letter from my LOCAL police station saying I have no offenses in Iowa City.

At any rate, I called the Iowa City Police Department and they can help me. They just need some basic information and they can print it out and give it to a friend or family member, who can mail it to me here in Swaziland. I emailed my boyfriend and sister yesterday, both of whom live in Iowa City, and both of whom are very generous and I was sure would be willing to help. Anyway, the subject line in my email that I sent in "desperation" last night was: "I just found out I need HELLLP!" 

They both wrote back really nice emails, but my sister said in the last part of her email:

     "Also in the future, please leave "HELLLP" out of your subject line unless you are dying from Ebola or kidnapped." 

And then in reference to the paperwork that I am stressing about, both she and Cory said something to the effect of,

     "I know [this] seems like a big deal but it will be fine."

I guess that put things in perspective :-) And I will refrain from putting "HELLLP" in all future subject lines, unless I am dire straits. I guess little phrases like this that we may use in our home countries can be misinterpreted when abroad. I am still thinking like an American but living like a Swazi!


  1. great to read about your adventures. yes from our side HELLP is scary. seeing the beautiful park and faces of your colleagues makes us more comfortable with you so far away. thanks for the blog. glad you have this chance to meet the swazi people and doctors.

  2. Lol! This story is so Liz!

    Just parted with my sister at the Dublin airport (she had to fly back to Madrid today and my flight leaves tomorrow morn). We LOVED Ireland - thank you for all of your suggestions for this trip!!
