Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tribute to my Papa

This blog is dedicated to my travels this year, as part of my time as the Global Eye Care Fellow at Dean McGee. However, today's post is very personal. I can't let April 15 go by without a tribute to my dad, Don.

April 15, 2015 marks TEN years since the day my papa died. It was sudden and very unexpected. I was less than a month from graduating college, and honestly, life was pretty great. Then, the horrific, awful day of April 15.

At any rate, he was a great man. He was born and raised in Iowa, and at age 17 he joined the Marines. He served our country in Vietnam for several years. This is a part of his life that he never talked about. Ever. We didn't ask, he didn't tell. After his death, I began to learn what a sacrifice he made. I had no idea what it took to be a Marine.

He was a dad who was always there for us. He was quiet and humble, but always very proud of his three kids. He showed his love by spending time with us or giving little gifts--he was not an openly affectionate person.

I appreciate that he never saw a distinction between the "girls" (me and my sister) and my brother. What Ben could do, we girls could certainly do too! (This I believe, is why I am certified in "Hunter's Safety" and why I had to change the oil in my own car when growing up).

Unfortunately, I was just coming out of the "my parents are lame" phase when my dad died so suddenly. So I never truly got to thank him for being a great dad.

It was a great loss for us all, one from which the family is still reeling. I love him, miss him, and not a day goes by that I don't think about him.

Here's to you, Dad!

Roly poly baby, early 1949.

Marine Corps

Dad and new baby Liz, April 1982. I definitely inherited my father's red hair!

Liz and Dad, August 2004.

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