Monday, October 13, 2014

Saturday playdate at Mabuda

I had the sewing ladies over after work again on Friday afternoon. We again, had a great turnout (despite all the rain!) and a great time. And....I finished my first project. Dudu (my teacher) says I am "one of the team" now :)

Finished product!

Elephant walking in the flowers!
On Saturday morning, it was again rainy. I decided it would be fun to play with the farm kids again and talked Angela into helping. Helen Pons was kind enough to let us use the Mabuda shed, and we had a little "party" at 12:30.  I thought maybe ten kiddos would show up, but instead there were 20! They ranged from tiny little tots to kids in their teens. We had some time for drawing, played with balloons, played musical chairs, had snacks of popcorn and juice, and then I took each child's picture with my little "Polaroid" (Instax Mini) camera. We all had so much fun and it was well worth it. I think the kids were happy to have a place to play indoors on such a rainy Saturday.

Angela with the kiddos

The green balloon got suspended in the air after getting stuck to a cobweb. The kids had a blast trying to "bump" it down. They finally succeeded :)

The younger kiddos and me. Cute little Pupu is in the front running toward the camera.

Pupu's little fashion shoes. It highlights what the "red dirt of Swaziland" does to our shoes and clothes!

The artwork table. Three of the older girls wrote me and Angela the sweetest notes. They worked so diligently on them!

Who knew balloons could be so much fun?!

Angela's letter

My sweet letters

The remainder of the weekend I spent being ill (yep, I finally got sick... and, NO, it is definitely not Ebola). I also worked on a bunch of projects for it was a low-key, stay indoors kind of weekend, which was fine with me :)

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